30 Mar

   Days before this picture was taken my mother was inspired to write a letter and then read it at a prayer meeting held at our church, after she read the letter some of those attending the meeting didn't think the letter was inspired, they boldly told her that the message was not sent from God.

 She was so hurt and devastated. 

The next day she went for a walk in the forest near our house, she was literally in tears crying to God telling Him "No one believed that you spoke to me" she was asking God to give her a sign to show that He had spoken to her.

   One night soon after she had a dream. In the dream she was again asking God to give her a sign. In the dream she was walking down the stairs of our house and then proceeded to walk out of the back door, she looked up to the sky and saw a very bright light and exclaimed "Oh Lord!"  

She said, the rays from the light streamed down at her touching her heart, the rays from the light were so powerful that they were pushing her backwards towards the ground, then as she was falling backwards the Lord said

 "You asked Me for a sign, and I AM going to give it to you, get your camera ready and when you see this light again, I will show you the sign." .........…. The dream ended.

  Every day after that dream she would go out the back door of our house looking for the light. Suddenly one day close to evening she saw the light that she had seen in her dream. She quickly grabbed the camera that she had prepared with a new roll of film, like she was told to do in the dream, she was not told what the sign was going to be, so she just began taking random pictures, until the roll of film was completely used.

    A few days later the camera film was developed, eagerly she looked at the pictures however she became very disappointed when she didn't see anything unusual, no sign, nothing, sadly she put the pictures away in a drawer.

   Meanwhile her father had become ill in Philadelphia, so she had to make a quick trip to see him. While she was gone my sister found the envelope of pictures and took them to her room to look at them. She was nodding her head finding it hilarious to see so many meaningless pictures of clouds, treetops, the edge of the roof gables, however one of the pictures suddenly got her attention she could clearly see the eyes, she immediately felt chills and didn't want to be alone in the room with the picture, she ran down the stairs and got on the phone with mom, ……. "Mommy did you see the eyes!" ……."What eyes," said mom. ……."The eyes in the picture you took" …….   "I knew there had to be something." said mom. 

  When our mom got back, she had many prints made from the negative. Over the years she would often have more pictures developed to give away to family and friends. All of this occurred in 1979 in the State of Connecticut. 

   I recently was asking her for more details about the picture than I ever did before, I was writing everything down, I asked if she still had the negative, sadly she said no, she had taken the negative to a local CVS.  She wasn't aware that it was soon about to close permanently, during the stores closing the negative was lost. She specifically mentioned that the lost negative was number eleven, I guess that would mean that it was the eleventh picture she had taken that day. I remember seeing the negative many times, since everything about the picture always fascinated me, when looking at a negative you really cannot see too much, however there was one thing to me that really stood out, the source of the light it was such a small dark dot in the negative, I would often say to myself how could the sun be so small?  Well, let's go back to what she was told in the dream, 

"When you see this light again, I will show you the sign", 

She was not told when you see the sun again, and she was not going outside everyday looking for the sun. She was looking for the light that she saw in her dream. Having heard the entire story from my mother that day the most amazing thing about the picture is that you are not looking at the sun in the picture. To me the star of Bethlehem comes to mind and if you cannot believe this story so far you still have to deal with the eyes in the picture.

   I was not trying to write a book, so I omitted some of the small details that she told me for the sake of time, but I did want to document the story regarding the picture before time passed and there was nothing left but the picture. I was about finished writing and so I held the picture in my hands and I wanted to tell her what I see, I couldn't quite find the words to express regarding the right eye other than to say that it looked like a normal eye, much later I remembered the scripture in Isaiah 1:18 where the Lord says "Come let us reason together" Yes, to me it's that kind of an eye. Then regarding the left eye, I said I don't see mercy at all, the only thing I see is anger and fury. Then my thoughts went back to the negative that she said was now lost, I recalled one bit of information that she mentioned regarding it, a small detail, she clearly remembered that the negative was number 11, the eleventh picture she had taken that day, As I was getting ready to leave it occurred to me to suggest that she should read Psalm 11. She looked excited and said, "yea you did?" I said no, not regarding this circumstance but I'm going to read it too. I went home, I couldn't wait to read the Psalm, what would it say?  Here it is, 

Psalm 11   

How dare you tell me, "Flee to the mountains for safety," when I am trusting in the Lord.

For the wicked have strung their bows, drawn their arrows tight against the bowstrings,    and aimed from ambush at the people of God. 

"Law and order have collapsed," we are told. "What can the righteous do but flee?"

But The Lord is still in His holy temple, He still rules from heaven.

He closely watches everything that happens here on earth. 

He puts the righteous and the wicked to the test; He hates those loving violence.

He will rain down fire and brimstone on the wicked and scorch them with His burning wind.

 For God is good, and He loves goodness; The godly shall see His face.

*Acts 9 verse 3   As he was nearing Damascus on this mission, suddenly a brilliant light from heaven spotted down upon him.

*Psalm 19 verse 1-2    The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of his craftsmanship.  Day and night they keep on telling about God.

*Psalm 102 verse 2    Hide not Your face from me in the day when I am in distress! Incline Your ear to me; in the day when I call, answer me speedily.

More to come!



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